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The University is committed to:

  • Providing educational programs which promote awareness of anti-harassment and non-discrimination, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and/or stalking and target prevention of such acts.
  • Informing students and employees of available services both within the University and surrounding community and facilitating their decision-making in regards to recovery needs.
  • Encouraging and assisting in the reporting of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and/or stalking to the appropriate law enforcement authority and filing a complaint with the Office of Equal Opportunity, Ethics, and Access, in those cases where a University student or employee is alleged to have perpetrated the incident.
  • Timely investigations of allegations of policy violations and misconduct including violations of the Code of Student Conduct and/or the Equal Opportunity / Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy.
  • Reviewing, upon request, available options for interim actions designed to protect students (e.g. no contact order, modifying academic and/or living environments and implementing modifications if such modifications are reasonably available).
  • Ensuring that individuals conducting investigations or making any decisions regarding violations of this policy shall receive annual training on related issues including but not limited to sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Prevention and training activities for employees are coordinated by the Office of Equal Opportunity, Ethics, and Access and Human Resources.

Prevention and training activities for student are coordinated by the Sexual Assault Prevention and Survivor Services and Health Promotion and Wellness. Prevention and training efforts will target both genders and include:

  • Annual training regarding mandated reporting, crime reporting, and complaint procedures;
  • Ongoing education and prevention and awareness campaigns